St. Lawrence Church continues to support the diocesan wide Pre-School Food Pack Program which provides needy pre-school children of the El Mundo Del Nino School in Paterson with a supply of healthy food and snacks and a meal for families. The families appreciate our support.
This year we are asked to provide 105 food packs that will be delivered to Paterson by Wednesday, February 12.
A typical food pack for each child includes:
2 breakfast items (instant oatmeal pack)[210 needed] 2 lunch items (Chef Boyardee Micro Meal Beefaroni, Kraft Easy Pack Mac & Cheese) [105 each needed] 1 milk (Horizon White Milk)[105 needed] 1 Apple and Eve 100% apple juice [105 needed] 1 fruit cup (diced peaches, Mandarin orange segments, apple sauce) [105 needed] 2 snacks (Rice Krispie Treat, soft and chewy granola bars) [210 needed] 1 meal to share with family (16 oz. bag white rice, 5 oz. can tuna, 16 oz. bag dry black beans) [105 rice or beans needed / 105 cans of tuna needed]
Please stick to these items above. food packs will be assembled by the Good Samaritans on Monday, February 10.
Thursday, January 30 - Sunday, February 9: Leave donations in Church Hall or bins in front of church. Shoprite gifts cards are also appreciated. (Place gift cards in collection basket marked for the food drive.)