Altar Server
The Ministry of Altar Server provides our youth, both boys and girls, the opportunity to assist the Celebrant, priests and deacons during regular and special Masses. The two primary responsibilities are Cross Bearer and Candle Bearers. Training is provided by the Altar Server Coordinator - just call to set up a date/time. Youth in the 4th grade and older are invitedj to serve. Servers should expect to serve at least once or twice per month, and also for Holiday and special Masses (Holy Days, Lent, Holy Week etc.). We usually need 3 servers for each Mass (1 Cross Bearer and 2 Candle Servers). The schedule is issued each quarter. The schedule is emailed to each Altar Server and is also available on this website and is printed in the Sunday Bulletin for the following week.
For more information, please contact Kathleen Garrison at
Eucharistic Ministers
The Priests and Deacons are the Ordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist. Part of the Liturgical Renewal of Vatican Council II was the establishment of Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist to assist Priests in the distribution of Communion to the faithful.
Eucharistic Ministers serve the Body and Blood of Christ to the community at Mass and visit the sick and homebound with Communion.
We need 23 Eucharistic Ministers for our Masses each weekend. To become a Eucharistic Minister you must have received Confirmation and be a practicing Catholic. If you are interested in sharing in this ministry, please contact Fr. Nick, (908) 879-5371. There are training classes in the fall and as needed.
For more information, please contact Loretta Stewart at (908) 867-7231.
The Ministry of Lector is a work through which the Word is proclaimed to the people of God. The reading of the Word is a most important part of our liturgical celebration at St. Lawrence. Our lectors usually serve once a month at a Mass time of their choice. Anyone interested in learning more about this ministry is asked to contact Father Nick, (908) 879-5371. New Lectors are always most welcome!
The ministry of the lector calls for a person to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture, the living Word of God. You are invited to enter a relationship with a Word that is creative, powerful, and effective. The ministry of a lector is wonderful work. Through you God’s living Word continues to be proclaimed to his people, to the young and old, the troubled, the hopeless, the happy, the content, to those in need of challenge and to those in need of comfort. As a lector, you are asked to find the middle ground between uninvolved reading and amateur theatrics. You are asked not to let this task become a matter of routine for you. To be a lector is to be given an opportunity for your own personal growth in Christ Jesus. By immersing yourself in his Work, you will not only proclaim it more ably to others but also grow in your own knowledge and love of the living God. James A. Wallace, C.SS.R, The Ministry of Lectors
New lectors are always welcome. They need to be confirmed and meet with either the priest and /or the lector coordinator for training. The lectors meet once a year at an annual meeting. The lector schedule is sent out quarterly by email and is also available on the parish website.
For more information, pleae contact John Kennington at (908) 872-0575.
The Liturgy Committee is comprised of the Clergy and Coordinators for Altar Servers, Environmental, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Music and Ushers Ministries. The purpose of this committee, under the guidance of the pastor, is to enhance the liturgy and provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere to all who worship at St. Lawrence Church. Meetings are held in the Parish Center periodically, especially during the Lenten and Advent seasons.
For more information, please contact Joanne Carr at (908) 879-5543.
Musical aptitude is not a requirement to be a part of this ministry. Everyone is welcome!
For more information, please contact Joe Tamburro at (908) 763- 6916 or
Ushers are the first representatives of the Parish that people see when they come into our Church. Whether they are longstanding Parishioners or out of town visitors, the greeting from the Usher helps to set the tone for that day's Liturgy. We make every attempt to greet everyone personally and to extend a smile and a warm welcome. Over time, we get to know the regular Parishioners on a first name basis and there is no doubt that for some, that greeting is especially meaningful.
Sometimes we help with seating, and often try to handle special requests and special situations. We are responsible for choosing a family to bring up the Gifts and to direct them as to when they should walk down the aisle. We also take up the Collection and do our best to coordinate Communion so that it is orderly and dignified. After Mass, we hand out the Bulletins, but more importantly we interact with many Parishioners. I can tell you from personal experience that those interactions before and after Mass have been the source of many friendships and a wonderful way to get to know the members of St Lawrence on a more personal level. We are very Blessed to be members of St Lawrence Parish. Our Priests and all of our Parishioners are truly special people.
Our usher group is made up of 20 men and 1 woman. We are always looking to add to our Usher ranks, and have a special need to add Ushers for the Sunday 11:30 AM Mass. If you can assist in this regard, please let us know and we will put you in touch with the 11:30 AM Captain, Lloyd Schaefer.
The training to be an Usher is free, but the experience, to coin a phrase, is "priceless."
For more information, please contact head usher Bob Holl at (908) 876-3488.